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One year at UNICRI
One year at UNICRI

As the 2019 year comes to a close, we want to share with you some highlights of our work. Our mission is to advance justice and the rule of law in support of peace, human rights, security and sustainable development.

We are contributing to the achievement of the UN 2030 Agenda Sustainable Development Goals - with a specific focus on Goal 16 - and in particular to security, social cohesion, vulnerability reduction and socio-economic development. The growing complexity of the landscape calls for comprehensive approaches and strategies to address threats and vulnerabilities of the environmental, socio-economic and political settings of our global village.

Thank you for sharing this journey with us! We hope in 2020 we will continue working with you and expanding opportunities to build together a better world. May the New Year bring you peace and happiness!

“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.” Albert Einstein

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